“My name is Claudia and I am the creator and designer of Atelier Bossier. My main belief is to follow your gut, no matter what. And that is exactly what I did. With a clear vision in mind and without a textile or fashion background, I took the plunge and I created my dream. I started a fashion company.
Atelier Bossier was created in spring 2016, and went online in spring 2017. A lot of preparation and research went into it so that we can offer you our most valuable products. We mainly focus on eclectic graphics and texts, differentiating us from any kind of uniformity. Happy sustainable basics is what we stand for.
By creating this label I want to emphasize not only female entrepreneurship, but also the level of craftsmanship in every piece we design. Our items are exclusively made in Europe. This allows us to acquire high quality materials and showcase our values for fair trade fashion. We certainly do not support any kind of fast fashion. That is why our products are not based on following trends, but are timeless creations”.
Claudia Stouthuysen –Â Founder of Atelier Bossier.